Business meeting

Laurie’s just fresh off a bunch of sessions with a business coach and she had this brilliant idea.  To keep the momentum going, she wanted to start a monthly meeting for those among us who are running their own business.  Whether you’re at the helm of an empire or just want to sell your wares on Etsy, what a fab idea.  We just plan to meet once a month and divvy up the time that we have.  Each person gets the floor for 15-20 minutes or more… just to talk out and think through what’s up with their biz, where they want it to go, what steps they’d like to take in the next month.  It’s so great to take the time to get your feelings out if need be, and also to just talk it out and lay the thoughts down rather than having them bounce confusingly around in your head.  I’m sure those of you out there who have their own business know of what I speak.  It’s hard to make forward motion when you’re stuck in your own head all day.  And it’s kinda nice to be held accountable:  if you told the group that you were going to get business cards made, you don’t really want to show up business card-less the next month.  And of course, support, support, support… really nice to have some other folks rooting for you.

      We met Saturday morning and it was SO inspiring.  I loved it.  We dreamt BIG and thought up some really positive, powerful steps to take this month, for each of us.  We’re commited to keeping the group small so everyone has a lot of time to dig and delve.  But I just wanted to tell everyone about it, because if you’re wanting to help your business thrive, I think this is a really fun and potent way to do it.  Try it why don’t you!  Whether you just have a yen to start a childcare or you’re looking to fill Oprah’s shoes in a year or two, this is one way to do it… and at the very least it’s an excuse to go out to breakfast with your ladyfriends.  So it’s really a win-win.


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One response to “Business meeting

  1. I want to come to the next one! It sounds fantastic. Beautiful work ladies.

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