The Organizerator!!

This is what some goooooooooooood bartering action looks like, if you didn’t know.  I don’t know what I did right in a former life to receive this bountiful blessing of this good woman Raini in my life, who is apparently deeply committed to helping me transform my discombobulated lifestyle into something a little more flow-y and glow-y.  The notion that we as a family could live a life where we weren’t shuffling around ankle-deep in detritus is a heartening one.  I lack the organizing gene (though I’m hoping with a little nurturement I’ll grow myself one) but Raini has organizing genes to spare and she really has a gift for just blazing through a space, finding homes for things, shifting things around so that they make more sense… it’s like a miracle for me.  I seriously can look at a space for ten million hours and have absolutely no earthly clue about how to make it work better.  I think the organizing brains should get hooked up with the non-organized brains more often.  Seems like there’s always someone in a group saying, “Ooh, I just LOVE organizing!” and then there’s people like me in the group looking at that person thinking, “What the fuck are you talking about? ”  Anyway, just another sterling example of how sharing our gifts can be so beneficial for all.  Or at least I hope in this case it will be beneficial for all.. I haven’t repaid Raini yet, and I don’t know if there’s anything I could possibly to do to approximate the peace and clarity and serenity she has brought to my home.  Oh my gosh she like totally sent me to TOPS to go get that cabinet so we would have a place to put all my art supplies.  It is SO unbelievably heavenly to have a place to put all that stuff!  I really needed someone to be all alpha on me and tell me what to do.  And I’m thanking the dear little stars in heaven that Raini was the woman for the job.  All hail Raini, organizing guru extraordinaire!!

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